I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. Black people aren’t the only ones who suffer from discrimination from law enforcement officers, if/ when it happens. Being a part of a police department I learned that people have a hatred of officers regardless of the color of their skin. We would get flipped off, cussed at for no reason.

Not letting a team wear something to support law enforcement is bullshit. How can you not stand up for the flag of your country and that be ok? Total crap.

Now I never had much experience with black people until the military and I must say there are a few exceptions to the rule. For the most part they are rude, have an attitude and are racist against all other races. For instance my roommate is black and the girl next door is black. The other girl only comes out to hang out with my roommate and won’t even say hello to me, it doesn’t matter what race you are a simple hello is common curtisy.

From my experience they have been lazy and thought they were above everyone else. If they really want to see a change, join law enforcement make changes from the inside. Show people not all law enforcement is bad. Let go of the past, you aren’t a slave, your ancestors might have been, but Irish people were slaves who were treated worse; bet you didn’t know that. Irish were cheaper. Slavery has been abolished for years…. get over it. Black people aren’t the only ones who have suffered racism. Japanese were in internment camps after Pearl Harbor, does anyone see them bringing this up at every moment of injustice? No.

Black people need to let go of the past and look at statistics to make an informed decision. Research before you boast your ignorant opinion. To get some of you started here’s an article on police shooting. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/07/11/arent-more-white-people-than-black-people-killed-by-police-yes-but-no/?utm_term=.4e6dabfb292c

If black lives matter so much, why don’t you start by stopping black on black violence that is prominent because of gangs? Take responsibility for your actions. Racism isn’t always why things happen.

I am not white, I am Hispanic and in my culture if you do something it’s because you deserved the consequences. You steal, go to jail, your mom says that’s what you get. There is no coddling or blaming law enforcement.

You are responsible for your actions. The media is also at fault as it only focuses on things that will get ratings. They should also show stories on how many officers die a day doing their job, what other races are shot by police, law enforcement encounters. There is so much to the story that isn’t told.

To complete my rant on the this topic, do your research before you decide to take a side, ignorance won’t get you through life. Want change? Do something about it. Riots and burning down your town won’t get you anywhere. Next time you get something stolen or a car accident who are you going to call? The police. So if you really are anti police, don’t call them when someone does something to you that warrants police presence.

Please educate yourself out of ignorance. I will forever back the blue. I have many brothers and sisters out there; to you all please be safe!